"You shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God." - Exodus 34:14
In today's reading, we are reminded of God's exclusivity and our unwavering devotion to Him. God is not a deity to be shared or relegated to a secondary position. He is the supreme being, the creator of all, and the only one worthy of our worship.
God's jealousy is not a negative trait but rather a reflection of His immense love for us. He desires our undivided attention and affection because He knows the blessings that come from a close relationship with Him. When we turn to other gods, we miss out on these blessings and open ourselves up to spiritual harm.
Jesus himself affirmed this principle when he was tempted by Satan in the wilderness. Jesus responded, "You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve" (Matthew 4:10). This is a clear command that applies to all of us.
The Bible is filled with examples of God's jealousy and the consequences of idolatry. In the Old Testament, the Israelites were repeatedly warned against worshipping other gods, yet they often fell into this sin. Each time they did, they suffered the consequences.
In the New Testament, we see that God's jealousy is still very much in effect. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins, demonstrating the depth of His love for us. He will not allow us to worship anything or anyone else.
As we go through our day today, let us remember that God is our only God. Let us worship Him with reverence and devotion, and let us avoid anything that would come between us and Him.
Dear Lord, we thank you for your love and for your jealousy over us. We confess that we have sometimes strayed from you and worshiped other gods. We ask for your forgiveness and renew our commitment to you. We will worship you and you alone, and we will serve you with all our hearts. In your name, we pray, Amen.