Instead of diving straight into scripture, let's start with a personal reflection.
Savoring the Best: We often save the best for last, whether it's a delicious dessert or a special experience. Share a time when you did this, and what made it so meaningful.
Trustworthy Correction: Think of someone whose correction you truly trust. What qualities make them someone whose guidance you value?
Experiencing Mercy: Recall a time when you received mercy instead of punishment. How did this experience impact you?
Today's passage focuses on the concept of God's holiness. Often, "holiness" is simply understood as being "good" or "pure." But the scripture reveals a deeper meaning. In Hebrew, it signifies "apartness" or "sacredness," something set apart from anything else.
This "apartness" manifests in two key aspects of God's nature:
1. God's Goodness:
When Moses sought to see God's glory, God revealed his goodness (Exodus 33:18-19). He showed his mercy, grace, justice, love, and faithfulness. His holiness shines through his benevolence, setting him apart in how he interacts with us. Reflect on your own experiences of God's goodness.
2. God's Greatness:
Beyond his goodness, God's holiness also lies in his greatness. Psalm 96:3-5 declares him "great and greatly to be praised," the sovereign God and Creator, wielding unmatched power. No being compares to his awesomeness and works. Think back on moments where you encountered God's greatness.
Worshiping Our Holy God:
Understanding God's holiness in both his goodness and greatness evokes a natural response: worship. As Psalm 96:8-9 proclaims, we are called to ascribe glory to him, enter his courts with offerings, and worship him in the splendor of holiness. This means dedicating our entire lives to him – thoughts, words, and actions. Remember 1 Peter 1:14-16, which reminds us that our own holiness is rooted in God's.
Now, let's personalize this exploration of God's holiness:
How does this understanding of God's holiness influence your own perception of the concept?
Reflect on your thoughts, words, and actions. Are there areas where they might not be honoring God? How can today's truths help you realign your life with his holiness?
Worship isn't just singing hymns. In what ways do you express your worship to God? Knowing we are called to be living sacrifices, what additional ways can you express your worship daily?
Thank God for his beautiful and unmatched holiness. Acknowledge his grace that allows you to participate in his holiness through your life.
Seek the discipline to remember and worship him daily, living your life as a response to his holy nature.
Surrender any thought, word, or action that does not honor God's holiness. Pray for the wisdom, grace, and perseverance to live a life that reflects his sacredness.
Remember, leadership starts with yourself. By deepening your understanding and appreciation of God's holiness, you can lead yourself and others closer to Him.